Wednesday 7 January 2015

Teen Girls Stretch mark worries

Hey girlie, don't worry so much. The early teenage years are an awkward time for every girl’s bod (we've been there, too). There are so many changes going on, and sometimes you’ve just gotta give your body time to do it’s thing. I promise you have nothing to worry about, but here are some tips to make you feel a lil better:

Just Breathe
You’ve got no reason to be ashamed of your body! First things first—let me set the record straight: having stretch marks does not mean your fat, gross, or ugly. In fact, I don’t know why stretch marks have such a bad rep, because all they are is proof that you’re growing into a beautiful young woman. Seriously! A stretch mark is the result of your skin stretching. If they’re horizontal, then your skin is stretching upward, meaning you have long lovely legs in store for ya. If the marks are vertical then your body is prepping itself for cute and curvy hips.

You are not the only one
You say your friends don’t have them, but how sure are you? Stretch marks can form on places that we can’t see, like boobs and around the armpits. You never really know what body issues people are dealing with because we don’t always see those places. And even if your friends reallllly don’t have stretch marks, chances are there’s something else that bothering them about their own bods. Moral of the story: stop comparing yourself to others. Your friends look perfect on the outside, but they’re not. Nobody’s perfect; we’ve all got our own flaws and that’s what makes us all special.

Getting rid of them
Of course there are tons of creams and lotions that claim they’ll whisp your stretch marks right away, but I’ll be honest—it’s mostly all bologna. Lotions may be able to make the marks’ color a little closer to your regular complexion, but the texture will still be the same. Your best bet is to embrace the stretch marks you already have and focus on the prevention of new marks instead. Keep your skin moisturized 24-sev. Pay extra attention to those areas that are most susceptible to stretch marks. When skin is hydrated it stretches easier. This way when your body grows, your skin will be flexible enough to stretch instead of tearing and forming a new stretch mark.


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