Monday 2 February 2015

Tips to get cool shave for men in summer

In hot climate, a lot of people choose to shower in the night.
God has made all of us human being, but then again we are categorized into male and female with different physical built and characteristics. One of the physical features is growth of hairs in every man’s chin starting from the time of his adolescence. Since the hair keeps on growing continuously, it is important to shave and clean on a regular basis. Some men totally cleans those hair and keep a clean shave where as some like to keep bear in different shapes. Today, people are trying out different types of bears to get trendy look.
On rushed summer days, you might not have the time to wash, or even warm up a mug of water before heading out of the house. We’d look fine, but what about the stubble. Here are some tips on how to get a quick and glossy shave in hot summer:

Cool Water for shaving

Did you know that cold water helps you shave better? Yes you heard it right. After applying in a good thick lather of shaving lotion with your shaving brush, the cold water will harden up facial hair, making it easier to shave through. And cold water is healthier for your skin than warm water.


It is significant to moisturize your face, particularly in summer. And a well moisturized face is furthermore easier to shave – the razor glides over the skin instead of scraping it. You can also wipe in a bit of moisturizer on your face right before putting on the shaving  lotion (shaving foam gives a rougher shaving experience when used with cold water in the summer), because the dry summer air steals moisture from our skin while a non-oily moisturizer works for the rest of the year (and for the most part of summer), a broad, hydrating moisturizer is what defends your skin while shaving

New Blade / Cartridge

While directly razor shavers can have the best shaving experience likely, a bunt cutting-edge can give you nicks and slashes. For users of disposable cartridges, clip on a new one before picking up your razor.

An alcohol free after shave lotions

After shave the skin becomes dry, especially in the summer – So apply a mild aftershave lotion without any alcoholic beverage.

Shaving during summer

Summer season brings a lot of heat with the scorching sunlight. Thus, irritation and other discomfort becomes a part of our life. Even when a man is going to get a shave, they gets cuts and inflammation. You must try out ways through which you can easily get shaving with cooling effect. Some of the ways are:
  • Use of ice after completion of shave
  • Using cool water while carrying on with the activity of shaving
  • Moisturizing after shaving
  • Changing blade by throwing out used blade
  • Using an after shave lotion with good quality and that too free of alcohol

Steps to get a systematic shave during summer


Just before the shaving activity, it is important for skin exfoliation. This will remove dirt and oil from your face. If you want to avoid getting closest possible shave, skin exfoliate will be the best remedy. Just after this step, you need to go for skin hydration with warm water. This can be done by dipping a cloth in warm water and patting your face with that damp cloth.

Straight razor shave

This method is basically known as old fashioned barber style. Through this type of shape, there will be probably no frills and no fuss. But, this is only good if you go to the barber with steady hands.

Avoid the dull blades

You must make sure not to use the blades that have become dull and have no sharpness. Using these blades would ideally create irritation over your skin and you will feel restless during summer. It’s better to throw them away in your bean and replace it with new blades.

Shaving oil

You can easily get shaving oils in the market with different essence and composition. This are normally made to use just after completion of shave. It will make your face smooth and soft and keep you away from irritation during hot summer weather.

Avoid heavy beard

If you are keeping heavy beard, summer is not the season for the particular hair style as excessive hair over your face might make you feel hot. If you at all wish to keep beard, then trip the dense beard and transform it into a light beard. You can also go for chin strap beard during the summer season. This will make you look very trendy and smart.

Shaving brush

When you are going to get a shave, it will be important to dip your shaving brush in hot water. This must be done for few seconds and then apply cream. Now apply it over your cheek and chin where hair has grown. It is important to do this on a circular motion over the neck and face covering all hairs that has grown over the face. Do this till the foam has formed over your face.

Right razor

Razor plays an important role when you are going to initiate the shaving activity. While purchasing a razor from the market, it is important to buy double edge razor. Even the razor should be disposable in this regard. You should not get the single edge razor which might be very harmful for your skin and even cause cuts while carrying on with shaving activity. For the best choice, you must get the double edge razors as this will not give rise to shaving bumps.
You might also wish to get a closer shave, for this it will be perfect if you can apply more cream. It is important to pull the razor in the opposite direction so that the shaving takes place smoothly without any inflammation.

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